When the darkest phase of reality battles my thoughts and imagination with its toxic arrows of hatred and despair, I am summoning up the courage inside me to fight back, holding the shields of love and hope.
Out of the box thinking sometimes seems unwelcomed where the fixed traditional norms are followed. Following fixed norms drives you closer to your herd but modifying them will rule out your presence. Likewise, feeding your passion through creativity bridges up your relationship with yourself but at the same time builds too many walls between you and your herd.
You stay connected as long as you are scared of being alone. You stay connected as long as you do not voice your opinions. You stay connected as long as you do not celebrate your individuality. You stay connected as long as you conceal the truth. Such a heavy price you have to pay for getting a membership of your herd.
The moment you do not follow any of the aforementioned rules, your membership gets cancelled. Every word you utter or every action you perform is made questionable. Whenever the herd meets, the group shares their different findings against you.
But my message to all out there is very simple and clear. Feed your passion, and never give up. No matter how long you have to walk all alone on the road not taken. No matter how harsh the truth is. No matter how indifferent your individuality is. No matter how uncomfortable the zone you are pulled into. You must celebrate your true self. No matter if you lose in front of others, you will achieve that moment of pride inside your heart that you did not silence your own voice for pleasing the herd. You must come forward and speak your heart because this is the first step you take to show that you are loyal to yourself.